As my brother Mark always says, "Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht"
April Tulsa
May Chincoteague
June Nantucket
July Williamstown
August Vancouver
September South Dakota
October Detroit
November Nashville
December London, Paris, and more
And so we planned, and God did, indeed laugh. Or at least snicker.
Here is what we had planned for the rest of the year:
March Savannah
April Tulsa
May Chincoteague
June Nantucket
July Williamstown
August Vancouver
September South Dakota
October Detroit
November Nashville
December London, Paris, and more
We had tickets to Savannah and Tulsa, both of which were cancelled. May was problematic, as was August, but everything else looked very good.
Then, of course, reality intervened. A virus was unleashed, and we were leashed.
Doreen still goes in to the office, as she is declared an "essential worker". I, (thanks goodness) am not, and am able to work from home. What I lose in podcast time (at least an hour and a half a day) I gain in sanity.
But what are we to do? I hesitate to make plans (see above) but at the same time this is a year that we will need to celebrate.
I am thinking of a big party in December. Not really what I am used to, but what the heck?
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